Buyer beware! Tree of Heaven won’t take you there!
Perhaps you haven’t noticed them, but they are EVERYWHERE and hopefully you will after this. These stinky little (oftentimes big) trees are taking over the Portland streets and gardens.
“Outside Europe and the United States the plant has been spread to many other areas beyond its native range. In a number of these, it has become an invasive species due to its ability both to colonize disturbed areas quickly and to suppress competition with allelopathic chemicals. The tree also resprouts vigorously when cut, making its eradication difficult and time-consuming. In many urban areas, it has acquired the derisive nicknames of “stink tree“, and “tree of Hell“.
At first glance, you might think it’s just a walnut tree. Pick a leaf and crinkle in your hand, if it smells like nasty peanut butter you’ll know; that ain’t no walnut tree.
Though its name makes it sound divine, tree of heaven is no angel. Keep an eye out for these because if you live near a big one, it’s a never-ending battle.